Update to my earlier facebook post..
So I thought I would check up on the status of the Google trends for facebook. Just to let you guys know, it is quite interesting that facebook still maintains an exponential growth (I thought it would have peaked by now). I am also surprised that myspace still exists, but judging from the emails that are in my junk box, it is only bots.

I hate bots.

I hate bots.
One of my younger (stupider) cousins decided this week that he will be switching to myspace since he does not like the "new" Facebook layout. I don't think he knows what he's talking about. He's too young to remember the horrors of myspace. I still think about how happy I am that Facebook doesn't allow you to plaster the background of your profile with ponies and unicorns and pink skulls.
Don't forget the tacky music; Fuck, I hate myspace!
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